vrijdag 27 maart 2009

Pink Saterday.

It is Pink Saterday again. Hosted by Beverly from How Sweet the Sound. Don't forget to look at her blog to read more about it. You can find all the participants of Pink Saterday on her blog.

Just a little bit of my collection cup and saucers, tea-pot and other pink service with roses and the colour pink in it.
Slechts een klein gedeelte van mijn verzameling servies, kop en schotels, bekers, theepotten en wat al niet meer.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. awww your teddy bear is sooo cute did you make her? I love teddy bears and I love pink :)
    Your pink treasures are just gorgeous, it's been lovely visiting with you.
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  2. Wat een mooie collages weer, Marja!!

    En die beer.......wat een schatje!!
    Zoooooooo...lief !!

    Wat een uitstraling !!

    Ik wens je ondanks de regen een mooie rose zaterdag!!

    groetjes Thea

  3. Super sweet teddy bear! Love the tea set!

    Have a great Pink Saturday!

  4. Mooi hoor....ik hou van rose.
    Dus we kunnen nog veel meer verwachten van je....
    Fijn weekend

  5. Your bears are so cute and your teacups and teapot are beautiful ! I love tea. Happy PS.

  6. I adore that bear!!! I also love your collage of teapots and teacups...very pretty.

    Happy Pink Saturday.


  7. Happy Pink Saturday! Love the teddy and your lovely collection.

    Hugs :)

  8. Beautiful collection of pinks. The twin/identical containers I like :-) Sugar containers maybe?

    The bear is just adorable!

  9. I love that beautiful teapot! The teddy's are just adorable!
    ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Pink Saturday
    Deanna :D

  10. I don't know anyone that hasn't a heart for bears, they are so cuddly and cute. Your pictures for today are gorgeous, thankyou and Happy Pink Saturday, Char
